Robert Belas Photography

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Fluted bird's nest fungus (Cyathus striatus)

We've had a lot of rain in Maryland (US), with over 15 inches falling in June and July. That's more than 3x our average for the month and a new record. As a result, mushrooms and other fungi are growing in abundance. Here's one that I often see growing on the hardwood mulch in my gardens. It's called the 'fluted bird's nest' fungus (Cyathus striatus), a member of the splash cup fungi. When a raindrop falls into the cup, the spores are propelled out of the cup and sent forth to start a new fungi. The cups are about 4-5 mm in diameter, to give you an idea of their size. I love the rich chocolate-brown hues in this photograph, and I hope you do too.

Best wishes,
