Robert Belas Photography

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The Rise of Brood X

Cicadas 1, color

Cicadas 2, color

Cicadas 3, color

The Rise of Brood X

The 17-year periodical cicadas are emerging throughout the mid-Atlantic, middle and northeastern US. I first saw signs of their emergence this past Saturday, but within a day what was one or two sightings escalated into the hundreds, if not thousands. For those not living in this area, I thought you'd might be interested in seeing what these insects look like. Personally, I find them interesting, if not a bit of a nuisance. Seventeen years ago, they just about killing a copper beech sapling that I cherish. Luckily, it survived the cicada's egg laying, and is now 40+ feet tall and growing. Yet, I expect that by the time Brood X (as this group of cicadas is called) is through, a few of my young trees will be suffering. Alas, nature.

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Hi! I'm a retired university professor,  an avid photographer, jazz musician, and a darn good fisherman. Thanks for stopping by.

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