
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Helene Belas


Rhyncholaeliocattleya Helene Belas

You’re looking at an extremely rare orchid; there are exactly two plants of this variety in the world and both are currently enjoying the summer sun on my backyard deck. “Helene Belas”, named in honor of my late mother, is a cross between two orchids I had and enjoyed in my rather large collection of orchids many years ago. You can see the parents at this webpage:

As I recall the pollen came from Schilleriana in the cross with the Brassovola hybrid, Ruben’s Verde (a very large plant). I germinated and raised the seedlings throughout the years. Many succumbed to cat attacks and the whims of nature, but a few survived and continue to thrive. The orchid was registered with the Royal Horticultural Society as Rhy. “Helene Belas”, as a lasting memory to my mom.

Today, I have but a few orchids, with the two remaining Helene Belases prominent among them.

I composed this photograph with an underlying text in memories of the many letters my mom wrote to me over the years. I retained a few of those letters and read them from time to time which brings fond memories of her.