
Marcella Koss "Pink Marvel"

Marcella Koss, color

Marcella Koss "Pink Marvel"

Here's an orchid everyone can admire: Blc. Marcella Koss 'Pink Marvel' AM/AOS. It has huge (yuge??) vibrant pink flowers that span 6-7 inches, with purple rose-tinted edges and a rich, warm yellow throat, and subtle sweet fragrance. And -- drumroll please -- it blooms in the dead of winter. This is the first time this plant has flowered, and it comes right when needed most, as our temperatures have been in the single digits the last couple of days. It has two more buds that look promising, so I expect to have flowers from Marcella for a while.

This photograph was taken with a small stripbox and single speedlight that provides a highly directional light giving it that 'picture in catalog' look.

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Best wishes,


Hi! I'm a retired university professor,  an avid photographer, musician, orchid grower, and a pretty good fisherman.

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