
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

The Light at the End of the Tunnel, color

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

is an expression of my despair, agony, grief, frustration and anger over the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the police, and our President’s bellicose response to the justifiable protests the killing has spawned. The idea of using military force against peaceful, unarmed civilian protesters is antithetical to everything that the United States of America and its Constitution represents. Shame on you, Mr. President. The failure of all members of the U.S. Congress to condemn the President’s actions is equally egregious. The checks and balances written into the Constitution were put in place to rein in this type of abhorrent behavior. Senators and Representatives, use your powers as co-equal branches of government for the sake of this country and the good of its people. And, for godsake, end racism and police violence against minorities by enacting laws that mean something and do something positive. If not now, when?

For those curious enough to look closely, there is a single white pixel to be found, symbolizing the vestige of hope I still retain that there is some decency and humanity left, and the tunnel isn’t interminable.

We now return to our normal program, already in progress…

Hi! I'm a retired university professor,  an avid photographer, jazz musician, and a darn good fisherman. Thanks for stopping by.

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