
Orchids of Spring: Sharry Baby

Sharry Baby, color

Orchids of Spring: Sharry Baby

Here's a nice way to welcome springtime, after bringing my orchid collection outdoors. "Sharry Baby" is a popular Oncidium hybrid that produces tall flower spikes with up to 50 small flowers each. I acquired this plant in 2016 in a 2" pot, and this is its first bloom. All toll, it has three flower spikes at the moment, so there's great potential for several weeks worth of flowers.

While Sharry Baby's flowers are beautiful to behold, their fragrance is what many enjoy the most. Some call the fragrance chocolate scented, I think of it more as vanilla with a hint of chocolate. Whichever one, the aroma starts to appear mid-morning when the sun first strikes the leaves and last until late afternoon. Combined with the fragrances from several other orchids in bloom (notably "Helene Belas" with its five flowers), it is a great way to usher in the warmer weather.

I hope you enjoy the photograph, and appreciate your comments.

Best wishes,


Hi! I'm a retired university professor,  an avid photographer, musician, orchid grower, and a pretty good fisherman.

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