
Calopogon Orchid

Calopogon Orchid 2, color

Calopogon Orchid

This time a photo of Calopogon tuberosus flowers. This is an orchid native to the wet areas of Maryland and adjacent states, and commonly known as Tuberous Grass Pink. Yes, this one has white flowers, and that's fairly common for this species. These plants happen to hitchhike in a pot of pitcher plants I bought from a grower several years ago, and are doing quite well in my artificial bog. The flowers do not last more than a few days, so I thought I'd better get some photographed while they were still decent looking.

The flowers were photographed in diffuse natural light against a white background, and processed in LR and PS using several texture overlays for background.

Hi! I'm a retired university professor,  an avid photographer, jazz musician, and a darn good fisherman. Thanks for stopping by.

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